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Letter No. 1 of 28/11/2024

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President Donald Trump. Congratulations on your epic Victory. The Global economic, financial and military power is becoming unbalanced in favour of the expanding BRICS Nations. Communist China and Russia control nearly 50% of the World’s… Letter No. 1 of 28/11/2024

Letter No. 2 of 29/11/2024

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Dear President Donald Trump My apology for sending in three parts my No.1 letter of 28/11/2024. GDP is long past its use-by-date as a measure of the Economic Performance of Nations around the World. This… Letter No. 2 of 29/11/2024

Letter No. 3 of 30/11/2024

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Dear President Donald Trump. TAX is killing Australians, Americans and the Citizens of the Western World. It drains the life out of employment and businesses. TAX in the Western World is funding the Economic, Financial, Industrial, Domestic, Social… Letter No. 3 of 30/11/2024

Letter No. 5 of 2/12/2024

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Dear President Donald Trump The use of GDP as a measure of performance and growth enables Communist China to overstate both measures because it controls its EXPORT PRICES to inflate them above its low (volume/cost/price… Letter No. 5 of 2/12/2024

Letter No. 8 of 5/12/2024

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Dear President Donald Trump 2% LIBERTY TAX makes competitive Made in America against Made in Communist China, the other BRICS Nations and all Nations of the World. There is no need for tariffs or other… Letter No. 8 of 5/12/2024

Letter No.9 of 6/12/2024

Dear President Donald Trump In December 1911 Thomas J Watson said at a sales and advertising meeting “the trouble with every one of us is that we don’t think enough”. In 1935 IBM published a… Letter No.9 of 6/12/2024

Letter No.10 of 7/12/2024

Dear President Donald Trump   The solution to the invasion by Israel of Palestine Territories and Lebanon is to have USA Oil Companies develop the Oil and Gas Resources off the coast of Gaza for… Letter No.10 of 7/12/2024