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Letter No. 1 of 28/11/2024

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President Donald Trump.

Congratulations on your epic Victory.
The Global economic, financial and military power is becoming unbalanced in favour of the expanding BRICS Nations. Communist China and Russia control nearly 50% of the World’s population, 30% of the landmass and 37% of Global GDP.
This has happened over the past 50 years as an outcome of Communist China gaining access, as a developing Nation, to World Markets. When Communist China exports to Western Nations it prices its goods at the TAX INFLATED PRICES of those Nations less a margin to take the market off manufacturers/producers of those Nations. This PRICING of EXPORTS compared to Communist China’s Volume/Cost/Price competitive economy and financial position has provided Communist China with super profits and positive cash flows on its EXPORTS. This positive financial position has funded the economic, financial, industrial, social and military expansion of Communist China to Super Power Status. In other words it is the HIGH TAXES of the USA and aligned Nations that have gifted this expansion to Communist China.
An outcome of this gift is 400,000 million Chinese are living comfortably whilst 1,000,000 million Chinese have been left behind.
Currently, Communist China’s EXPORTS are reported as 20.68% of GDP and IMPORTS of 17.47% of GDP.
As explained above Communist China controls the market price of its EXPORTS. It has learnt from the Japanese how to control the market price of its IMPORTS of minerals, energy, farm produce, invention and innovation and information technology.
My understanding is that the CCP fear the 1 Billion Chinese who have been left behind. They have decided to shift China’s Economy away from EXPORTS to DOMESTIC CONSUMPTION but will need to IMPORT RESOURCES to supply 1 Billion Chinese.
A change in the CCP’s ECONOMIC and FINANCIAL POLICY provides an opportunity for the USA and Australia to implement 2% LIBERTY TAX that can make manufacturers and producers competitive against IMPORTS from Communist China and the other BRICS Nations. Value adding of minerals, energy, farm produce, invention and innovation and information technology can have the USA and Australia control the PRICES of its EXPORT of these RESOURCES. This would force the CCP to turn to BRICS Nations for its RESOURCES at PRICES controlled by Communist China.
2% LIBERTY TAX can LIBERATE workers, the businesses they work for and the goods and services they produce so that Made in the USA/Australia replace Made in China. Americans/Australians can have the opportunity for wealth creation to pay off debt. Also, to buy back from foreign interests, land, mineral resources and energy, buildings, infrastructure, businesses, invention and innovation and information technology so that Americans/Australians secure their Freedom and Democracy in their own land/oceans.
I first presented 2% TAX to Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke in May 1985 so I have had nearly 40 years to prepare/plan for the implementation of 2% LIBERTY TAX in any Nation.
The alternative is the BRICS Nations controlling Global Markets on their terms and America/Australia to become another Hong Kong with their People SLAVES to Communist China.
The future of the People of the World is Sovereign Nations each doing what they do best and openly and freely trading with other Nations to benefit their People and the People of the World.
My perception is that you have the courage, conviction, business knowledge and experience to rebalance Global Power with 2% LIBERTY TAX.
Kind regards
Derek Smith CA.
I have been a Chartered Accountant for over 60 years. My knowledge and experience includes in the Profession as an Auditor. I have held Executive Management position in National and International manufacturing, marketing and sales, in coal mining and export, in banking, to State Government for the implementation on 1/7/2000 of the New Tax System and 10% GST and in Consulting to businesses, including ASX listed, in financial trouble to return them to profitability and solvency, with a ASX share price at or above previous levels.
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