Dear President Donald Trump
Personal, physical and mental SLAVERY was abolished in America in 1865 and in Australia in 1833 but its place has been taken by TAX SLAVERY. The TAX deducted from the worker’s pay is included in the PRICES of the goods and services of the business. Workers buy their goods and services with their NET of TAX take-home-pay so they pay their TAXES TWICE. This TAX SLAVERY must END in 2025 with the implementation of 2% LIBERTY TAX. Imagine how Americans will celebrate as the Bells ring out across the Nation.
There are two challenges in implementing 2% LIBERTY TAX
- Politicians are like the crew on a cruise rearranging the deck chairs expecting to get a different beneficial result of the passengers (The TAX payers) but it never happens.
- The People of America and Australia give out the impression they are mob of sheep lost in a vast desert with promise of green pasture over the horizon. Mention the word TAX they clam up and become deaf, the outcome of a life time of TAX SLAVERY.
Knowing the cause of America’s and Australia’s debt riddled Economy and Financial Position is half the SOLUTION.
From your media comments I think you intuitively know its EXISTING TAXES but do not know and understand the detail of how they have made American and Australia uncompetitive and sent jobs, businesses, intellectual property and wealth to Communist China to fund economic, financial, industrials, social and military development and expansion to SUPER POWER STATUS;.
In Australia TAX and Government charges are half the PRICE of a loaf of bread, a new built houses and almost everything else. In the USA it is likely the TAX TAKE is slightly less. The OECD figures of TAX to GDP are USA 25.2% Australia 29.4%. The Personal TAX top rate is USA 37% Australia 45%.
Please send me an email address so that I can send you 2 Videos and some documents which show how 2% LIBERTY TAX can make Made in the USA competitive to replace Made in China and the other BRICS Nations.. For the American People 2% LIBERTY TAX ENDS TAX SLAVERY and liberates them to earn the wealth to secure their FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY in their own land.
Kind regards
Derek Smith CA