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Letter No. 4 of 1/12/2024

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Dear President Donald Trump

Please let me have an email address so that I can send you two Videos and some documents to explain the why and how of 2% LIBERTY TAX.
Today, and in history, WARS are about RESOURCES NOT the wishes, will, rights and interests of the People. The most powerful resource in the World is the Human Brain when it is LIBERATED.

The USA, Australia and other Democratic Nations are blessed with Populations that are educated and motivated by WEALTH to secure their LIBERTY = DEMOCRACY.

Existing TAXES enslave these Democratic Populations and their Brains to accept subservience to Governments and Populations of Communist Countries by buying goods and services Made in China etc.

2% LIBERTY TAX can have
– Made in the USA/Australia/etc. replace Made in China to LIBERATE these Democratic Populations and their Brains.
– all Nations of the World doing what they do best and OPENLY and FREELY trading with other World Nations to benefit Democratic Populations and Other People of the World.

Please accept my invitation in Letter No. 3 to have one of your Sons visit me. 2% LIBERTY TAX can LIBERATE American workers, the businesses they work for and the goods and services they produce so that Made In America replaces Made in China. This can create the wealth in America to pay off the crippling debt and have Americans own America and everything in it.

This must start in 2025.

Kind regards.

Derek Smith CA

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