Dear President Donald Trump
2% LIBERTY TAX makes competitive Made in America against Made in Communist China, the other BRICS Nations and all Nations of the World.
There is no need for tariffs or other restrictions on trade.
The value of a currency is dependent upon
- The Nations Terms of Trade.
- The Nations underlying value of its resources including the workforce and businesses to produce competitive goods and services to achieve a positive Terms of Trade.
2% LIBERTY TAX can achieve both for America with the value of the $US as the preferred Trading Currency and as a safe haven of funds for all Nations.
What the World needs NOW is open honesty in all sciences, professions, the media, corporations and all Parliaments. There must be no compromise.
All success in life is an outcome of RELATIONSHIPS based on Open and Honest Communications.Today when a Politician, Representative of the Media, Public Personality, Corporate Leader, etc. says something which is patently untrue, SILENCE is the response when it should be challenged and forced to be withdrawn. This initially may cause chaos in communications but there is no alternative.
Kind regards
Derek Smith CA