President Donald Trump. Congratulations on your epic Victory. The Global economic, financial and military power is becoming unbalanced in favour of the expanding BRICS Nations. Communist China and Russia control nearly 50% of the World’s population, 30% of the landmass and 37% of Global GDP. This has happened over the past 50 years as an… Letter No. 1 of 28/11/2024
Letter No. 2 of 29/11/2024
Dear President Donald Trump My apology for sending in three parts my No.1 letter of 28/11/2024. GDP is long past its use-by-date as a measure of the Economic Performance of Nations around the World. This is because it fails to measure the Financial Sector which has become dominant with imports replacing value-added manufacturing, mining and… Letter No. 2 of 29/11/2024
Letter No. 3 of 30/11/2024
Dear President Donald Trump. TAX is killing Australians, Americans and the Citizens of the Western World. It drains the life out of employment and businesses. TAX in the Western World is funding the Economic, Financial, Industrial, Domestic, Social and Military development and expansion of Communist China and this MUST STOP NOW by implementing 2% LIBERTY TAX. The Economic, Financial… Letter No. 3 of 30/11/2024
Letter No. 4 of 1/12/2024
Dear President Donald Trump Please let me have an email address so that I can send you two Videos and some documents to explain the why and how of 2% LIBERTY TAX. Today, and in history, WARS are about RESOURCES NOT the wishes, will, rights and interests of the People. The most powerful resource in… Letter No. 4 of 1/12/2024
Letter No. 5 of 2/12/2024
Dear President Donald Trump The use of GDP as a measure of performance and growth enables Communist China to overstate both measures because it controls its EXPORT PRICES to inflate them above its low (volume/cost/price mix) domestic prices. IMPORT PRICES to be below its domestic costs and prices of production. A consequence of the above… Letter No. 5 of 2/12/2024
Letter No. 6 of 3/12/2024
Dear President Donald Trump As you would know the World is controlled by the Oil and Gas Companies. From memory, in the 1950s a Canadian Oil driller could not compete with Oil from Texas. A friend told him to pump CO2 down his Oil Wells to recover much more Oil. He arranged with a Chemical… Letter No. 6 of 3/12/2024
Letter No. 7 of 4/12/2024
Dear President Donald Trump The FEAR of the past 5 years has no place in the lives of Americans in 2025 and beyond. The way out is to focus all Americans and Freedom Loving People of the World on wealth creation and LlBERTY, by implementing 2% LIBERTY TAX. This implementation is well within the capacity… Letter No. 7 of 4/12/2024
Letter No. 8 of 5/12/2024
Dear President Donald Trump 2% LIBERTY TAX makes competitive Made in America against Made in Communist China, the other BRICS Nations and all Nations of the World. There is no need for tariffs or other restrictions on trade. The value of a currency is dependent upon The Nations Terms of Trade. The Nations underlying value… Letter No. 8 of 5/12/2024
Letter No.9 of 6/12/2024
Dear President Donald Trump In December 1911 Thomas J Watson said at a sales and advertising meeting “the trouble with every one of us is that we don’t think enough”. In 1935 IBM published a magazine THINK for employees and customers. Later, IBM named its laptop computers ThinkPads, named a line of business-oriented desktop computers ThinkCentre and the monitors ThinkVision.… Letter No.9 of 6/12/2024
Letter No.10 of 7/12/2024
Dear President Donald Trump The solution to the invasion by Israel of Palestine Territories and Lebanon is to have USA Oil Companies develop the Oil and Gas Resources off the coast of Gaza for the benefit of the Palestinian and Lebanese People. My understanding is that these Oil and Gas Resources have been known… Letter No.10 of 7/12/2024
Letter No.11 of 8/12/2024
Dear President Donald Trump Personal, physical and mental SLAVERY was abolished in America in 1865 and in Australia in 1833 but its place has been taken by TAX SLAVERY. The TAX deducted from the worker’s pay is included in the PRICES of the goods and services of the business. Workers buy their goods and services… Letter No.11 of 8/12/2024
Letter No.12 of 9/12/202
Dear President Donald Trump I was one of 9 children. My parents were wonderful, totally committed to their family and their happiness. Growing up was a pleasure which seemed to pass in a flash. My mother used to say to us “Never fail through lack of generosity” which I always tried to put into practice.… Letter No.12 of 9/12/202