Dear President Donald Trump It is reported that you have appointed a number of $US Billionaires to your Team. It is separately reported that in the USA $US Billionaires pay income tax at 1% compared to the top marginal rate of 37% paid by a million Americans. You can bring equity and fairness in TAXING… Letter No.13 of 10/12/2024
Letter No.14 of 11/12/2024
Dear President Donald Trump 2% LIBERTY TAX can be implemented TOP DOWN or BUTTOM UP. In Australia when the word TAX is mentioned People freeze and turn their attention to other things. My perception is that they do not understand that the TAX they pay finds its way into the prices of the goods and… Letter No.14 of 11/12/2024
Letter No.15 of 12/12/2024
Dear President Donald Trump In 2020, I sent 45 letters to you on 2% LIBERTY TAX. On the 25th October 2020, I received the following email from the USA Government as follows- From: USA Govt <> Subject: Mr Derek Albert Smith Date: 25 October 2020 at 11:49:41 pm AEDT To: Hello Good morning Derek Albert Smith… Letter No.15 of 12/12/2024
Letter No.16 of 13/12/2024
Dear President Donald Trump The US National Debt has just passed $US36 Trillion, up $US2 Trillion for the year. Total interest is $US1.16 Trillion. In the third quarter 2024 interest payments were 37.8% of TAX RECEIPTS. Please understand TAXING GDP is long past its use-by-date. It cannot fund the US National Debt. The only time… Letter No.16 of 13/12/2024
Letter No.17 of 14/12/2024
Dear President Donald Trump Understand how workers on a low wage benefit with 2% LIBERTY TAX. With 2% LIBERTY TAX a worker on an annual wage of $US75,000 pays Federal and State (NEW Y0RK) Income Taxes of $US19,161 leaving a take-home-pay of $55,839. $US219,000 pays Federal and State (NEW Y0RK) Income Taxes of $US73,682 leaving… Letter No.17 of 14/12/2024
Letter No.18 of 15/12/2024
Dear President Donald Trump In the 1970s I was in New York doing business with an American company negotiating for the rights to manufacture and market one of their products in Australia. There were representatives of a Japanese Company interested in these rights for Japan and other Countries. The point was made to the… Letter No.18 of 15/12/2024
Letter No.19 of 16/12/2024
Dear President Donald Trump The future of the World is dependent upon invention and innovation. “A need or problem encourages creative efforts to meet the need or solve the problem”. This saying appears in the mid 6th century BCE. dialogue Republic, by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato “our need will be the real creator”, which Jowett’s 1894 translated… Letter No.19 of 16/12/2024
Letter No.20 of 17/12/2024
Dear President Donald Trump After WWII People came together to restore humanity. The common good was the focus of the People. President John F Kennedy was the first World Leader to embrace humanity as the future of the People of the World. He asked the Nations of the World to join together to fight what… Letter No.20 of 17/12/2024
Letter No.21 of 18/12/2024
Dear President Donald Trump Mans inhumanity to man is no accident, it is the nature of the species i.e. the survival of the fittest. The same applies to most life on earth. Mans attempts to interfere with this “basic” of all life has been a failure with disastrous inhumane consequences. What differentiates Humans from most… Letter No.21 of 18/12/2024
Letter No.22 of 19/12/2024
Dear President Donald Trump It used to be leeches sucking the blood out of patients to cure their ailments. Today it’s leeches including all Government sucking the financial life and time out of small businesses. Behind every successful small business is a brilliant story. Telling the story empowers the small business in the market… Letter No.22 of 19/12/2024
Letter No.23 of 20/12/2024
Dear President Donald Trump The only time anything has a value is when there is a change of ownership between a willing seller and willing buyer in an open market when they agree and settle the price of the change of ownership. When a Nation is dependent upon imports, the value of the change… Letter No.23 of 20/12/2024
Letter No.24 of 21/12/2024
Dear President Donald Trump In 1962 Valerie and I married, after I qualified as a Chartered Accountant in London. In 1963 I got a 2 year Contract to work in the Price Waterhouse Office in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. We soon appreciated Australians and their lifestyle, and loved the beach and water sports in a subtropical… Letter No.24 of 21/12/2024