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Letter No.25 of 22/12/2024

Dear President Donald Trump There is a monumental waste of intelligence in the Accounting and Legal Professions including the Judiciary. 2% LiBERTY TAX can have this intelligence applied to concentrate on wealth creation to buy back America and Australia to secure the Freedom and Democracy of the American and Australian People in their own Countries.… Letter No.25 of 22/12/2024

Letter No.26 of 23/12/2024

Dear President Donald Trump   My Dad was a member of the London Stock Exchange and a dealer. I asked my Dad “Who is your biggest client?” His reply “The Church of England.” I asked “Why?” his reply “When there is a Royal occasion in Westminster Abbey with dignitaries from all over the World they… Letter No.26 of 23/12/2024

Letter No.27 of 24/12/2024

Dear President Donald Trump From my experience in the 1960/70s, Journalists did their homework and their work was scrutinised by a qualified and competent Editor before publication. Both Journalists and Editors were respected by the Public. Today the Mass Media including Social Media, all publish the same “story” regardless of its absence of truth. All… Letter No.27 of 24/12/2024

Letter No.28 of 25/12/2024

Christmas Day. Australia time. Dear President Donald Trump Today we celebrate the birth of Christianity. The Ten Commandments are rarely talked about but are fundamental to Christian beliefs.  They make NO mention of making money which has become the preoccupation of the People of the World. Material Wealth is more important than Spiritual Wealth. I… Letter No.28 of 25/12/2024

Letter No.30 of 27/12/2024

Dear President Donald Trump The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution 9 July 1900 Act created the Nation Australia and gave the People their identity as Australians. This Constitution is silent on race, religion and colour and inclusive of all People. The majority of Australians do not know of the existence of this Act. At the time… Letter No.30 of 27/12/2024

Letter No.31 of 28/12/2024

Dear President Donald Trump The Chinese have infiltrated all aspects of life in Australia in preparation to take ownership and control. Australians are oblivious to this reality and allow Governments to sell off to China, land, property, infrastructure, resources, businesses and intellectual property. 1.39 Million people in Australia identify as Chinese of which half were… Letter No.31 of 28/12/2024

Letter No.32 of 29/12/2024

Dear President Donald Trump In Australia, all of the following are in contempt of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution 9 July 1900 Act and the Referendums passed by the People.  The Head of State King Charles III, Governor General, State Governors, Territory Administrators, all Politicians, Parliaments and Local Government Councils, High Court and Judiciary, Police,… Letter No.32 of 29/12/2024

Letter No.33 of 30/12/2024

Dear President Donald Trump My first car was a 1953 FJ Holden made in Australia with high tariff protection. In 2017 the last locally-built Holden rolled off the production line ending the mass production of motor vehicles in Australia. Ford and Toyota exiting local production in 2016 and 2017 respectively. Today, Toyota is the biggest… Letter No.33 of 30/12/2024

Letter No.34 of 31/12/2024

Dear President Donald Trump   As a student in 1957, I read the “Treaties of Rome” and realised the purpose was to saddle post WWII Germany with the lame duck economies of Europe, to constrain the German economy, financial strength and influence in the World. Having experienced the carnage of German technology and production during… Letter No.34 of 31/12/2024

Letter No.35 of 1/1/2025

Dear President Donald Trump Happy New Year to you and your family. The Global Economy and Financial position is unbalanced in favour of the expanding BRICS Nations. To find a SOLUTION, you need to understand how this has happened. The USA and aligned Nations heavily tax Wages, Other Costs, Business Profits and Goods and Services… Letter No.35 of 1/1/2025

Letter No.36 of 2/1/2025

Dear President Donald Trump Why do the USA and UK back the criminals who will kill anyone that gets in their way? Your Declaration of Independence and Constitution were the outcome of Americans losing their lives in the quest for Freedom and Democracy.   I remember Charles de Gaulle declaring that the Algerian People had the right to… Letter No.36 of 2/1/2025

Letter No.37 of 3/2025

Dear President Donald Trump   Only when the LOVE of PEACE is greater that the LOVE of WAR can the People of the World be FREE to be what they truly want to be and make their contribution to the WELLBEING and FUTURE of the World. Historically, WARS have been the most prominent events supposedly… Letter No.37 of 3/2025