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Letter No.38 of 4/1/2025

Dear President Donald Trump Across the world, the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, or BDS, has gained momentum, encouraging individuals to use their purchasing power as an effective tool for change. By reimagining the global economy as a means to exert pressure on Israel, BDS has transformed boycotts into one of the most effective forms… Letter No.38 of 4/1/2025

Letter No.39 of 5/1/2025

Dear President Donald Trump Netanyahu’s father who was a Polish Jew, who immigrated in 1920 to Mandatory Palestine. He hebraized his surname from “Mileikowsky” to “Netanyahu”, meaning “God is given”. While his family is predominantly Ashkenazi, he has said that a DNA test revealed him to have some Sephardic Jewish ancestry, who trace their ancestral lines or… Letter No.39 of 5/1/2025

Letter No.40 of 6/1/2025

Dear President Donald Trump Hitler’s invasion of Russia and cutting off fuel supplies resulted in 26 million Russian People to die. During the Holocaust, Hitler killed 12 million Jews. After the War Stalin vowed that the Russian People would never again be beholden to another Nation for its fuel. He had two separate Research Laboratories… Letter No.40 of 6/1/2025

Letter No.41 of 7/1/2025

Dear President Donald Trump The existence of minor Parties and Independents in our Governments is a clear sign the major Parties have lost contact with the Electorate. COVID 19 accelerated this due to Governments enforcing against the WILL of the People, CIVIL CONSCRIPTION including Mandates, Edicts, Vaccines, Lockdowns, Lockouts, Masks, QR Codes, Vaccine Certificates, Social Distancing, etc. and… Letter No.41 of 7/1/2025

Letter No.42 of 8/1/2025

Dear President Donald Trump In my opinion, you have shown beyond any reasonable doubt that the Judiciary and Justice are not always the same. When I was studying Law to become a Chartered Accountant, legislation had a “Purpose and Intent” preface. If the wording of the legislation was ambiguous it was interpreted by reference to… Letter No.42 of 8/1/2025

Letter No 43 of 9/1/2025

Dear President Donald Trump In my opinion, your Presidency must stop the contradiction of America talking about God and Peace on the one hand and on the other hand funding and supplying weapons to Netanyahu for genocide and war crimes against the Palestinian, Lebanese and Syrian people, threatening other People and wanting to buy the… Letter No 43 of 9/1/2025

Letter No.44 of 10/1/2025

Dear President Donald Trump In business and government CASH is KING not the book or tax profit. The amount of cash in the till is subject to two critical facts The volume/cost/price mix. The cents in the sales dollar of TAX and GOVERNMENT CHARGES. From my experience over 60 years as a Chartered Accountant, most businesses… Letter No.44 of 10/1/2025

Letter No.45 of 11/1/2025

Dear President Donald Trump “All success in Life if an outcome of RELATIONSHIPS which are an outcome of OPEN and HONEST COMMUNICATIONS”. To MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN you need OPEN and HONEST COMMUNICATIONS to create RESPECT and then TRUST with the Leaders of other Nations. It is reported in Social Media that you plan, if… Letter No.45 of 11/1/2025

Letter No.46 of 12/1/2025

Dear President Donald Trump From my working experience the workforce is made up of two types of people- A – 80% are care and maintenance people who complete and deliver the existing and repeat orders of a business. B – 20% are people who bring new products/services, customers and orders into a business. The identification… Letter No.46 of 12/1/2025

Letter No.47 of 13/1/2025

Dear President Donald Trump   Your Presidency needs to kick-start the creation of wealth in the American Community and Businesses. Government consumes wealth created by the Community and Businesses. 2% LIBERTY TAX cuts the cost of ALL Government but waste must the stopped. Only 2% LIBERTY TAX can END the existing TAX SLAVERY, FREEING both… Letter No.47 of 13/1/2025

Letter No.48 of 14/1/2025

Dear President Donald Trump I read about Julian Assange and how the Crown Prosecution Service claimed it had deleted documents subject to a Freedom of Information request. It reminded me of when I was inducted as an Articled Clerk to become an Accountant. The first lesson was the meaning of honesty – ethics – integrity… Letter No.48 of 14/1/2025

Letter No.49 of 15/1/2025

Dear President Donald Trump Your inauguration. Unbelievably you have invited Kevin Rudd and Penny Wong whose only interest and commitment is to themselves. I can think of two outstanding Australians, Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price and exQantas Captain Graham Hood who show an interest and commitment in ALL Australians. It’s not too late to make the switch.… Letter No.49 of 15/1/2025