Dear President Donald Trump From Social Media, in Australia, there are Groups of People who are not forgiving of what Politicians, Bureaucrats, Media, Medical Profession, Judiciary and Police have done to them and their loves ones, to their lives, health, jobs and businesses with no legitimate justification and no recourse. These Groups are waking up… Letter No.50 of 16/1/2025
Letter No.51 of 17/1/2025
Dear President Donald Trump Both in Australia and America contempt for the Constitution is common place by the Judiciary and Parliaments. There has to be an awakening across all communities that the Constitution must be respected, upheld and protected by ALL as fundamental to FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY. To educate the adults we need to start… Letter No.51 of 17/1/2025
Letter No.52 of 18/1/2025
Dear President Donald Trump It has been reported that Netanyahu has signed contracts with the Oil and Gas Companies for the development of the Oil and Gas reserves off the coast of Gaza and Lebanon to fund his expansion of Greater Israel. Only when Netanyahu commits to an Independent Palestinian State can there be the… Letter No.52 of 18/1/2025
Letter No.53 of 19/1/2025
Dear President Donald Trump Housing for the Homeless. Building high density housing in existing Cities, only creates Community discontent and the slums of the future. This was the experience in London after WWII and demolition made way for Community friendly housing supported by employment opportunities. In the 1970s I visited Singapore and saw a hill… Letter No.53 of 19/1/2025
Letter No.54 of 20/1/2025
Dear President Donald Trump Your Inauguration. Right minded persons in the World should applaud your Inauguration as the President of the USA, as no person deserves it more than you. Like a battleship under relentless enemy fire, you have, at full speed, raced into open and free waters leaving the enemy behind. The threat… Letter No.54 of 20/1/2025
Letter No.55 of 21/1/2025
Dear President Donald Trump Congratulations on your Inauguration. Q&A Success in life and PEACE Q – What brings success in life? A – Relationships. Q – Relationships are an outcome of? A – Open and Honest Communications. Q – Why cant some people engage in Open and Honest Communications? A – Because when confronted… Letter No.55 of 21/1/2025
Letter No.56 of 22/1/2025
Dear President Donald Trump Over capitalisation of Stock Markets historically caused Financial Crashes. The cause of over capitalised Stock Markets is too much money being speculated without regard to the fundamentals of investment. At the age of 29 I was the Company Secretary and Finance Executive of a Public Group of Companies listed on the… Letter No.56 of 22/1/2025
Letter No.57 of 23/1/2025
Dear President Donald Trump I listened to your Inauguration speech and am concerned that promises you made cannot be kept and will lose you respect around the World. Also, the contradictions you made about the Sanctity of the Democracy of Nations. You give the impression that nothing is going to change and America will continue… Letter No.57 of 23/1/2025
Letter No.58 of 24/1/2025
Dear President Donald Trump The American Auto Industry. Recently I was at a Woolworths shopping centre in Kingston, Tasmania. In the forecourt on display there was a Tesla car in a beautiful red. There was a gentleman standing at the rear of the car. I asked him what do you think. His reply “rubbish I… Letter No.58 of 24/1/2025
Letter No.59 of 25/1/2025
Dear President Donald Trump A Tariff of 25% will send America backwards. In the 1970s I was the Managing Director of an Australian ASE listed Company manufacturing envelopes and paper packaging products. We converted paper supplied by two Australian Paper Mills which they supplied to their specifications not to ours. For some of our products… Letter No.59 of 25/1/2025
Letter No.60 of 26/1/2025
Dear President Donald Trump The Panama canal is important for exports from China because of your EXISTING TAXES which have made uncompetitive Made in America. Implement 2% LIBERTY TAX and have Made in America replace Made in China and the Panama canal will cease to be important to China. You have everything to gain by… Letter No.60 of 26/1/2025
Letter No.61 of 27/1/2025
Dear President Donald Trump Ending Overseas Wars is easy for you. Withdraw the funding, military aid, military intelligence and the personnel who deliver these to the frontline. In an earlier letter I provided the solution to permanent PEACE in the Middle East. In Ukraine the solution for permanent PEACE is for you to accept… Letter No.61 of 27/1/2025